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Apex 缤纷7月,游戏抢购活动

2009-07-02 02:14:57 来自:  



本店7月组织抢购活动,现有几款游戏均7.5折扣优惠火爆甩卖,数量极其有限!请有意者火速联系本店bookie:13564850003,(021)68881399 QQ:1109679131


Age of Steam  450
Agricola 513
Alhambra 296
Alhambra: limited Gold Edition 441
Amun-Re 亚蒙-拉  298
anno航海 387
Antike 434
Aquaretto 364
Arkham Horror 440
Arkham Horror: Dunwich Horror 360
Attika 阿提卡半岛 252
Axis & Allies: Europe 軸心與同盟 歐洲戰場 418
BattleLore 598
BattleLore Call to Arms 157
Battlestar Galactica 368
Beowulf: the Movie Board Game 260
Birds on a Wire 192
Blue Moon City  294
Bohnanza 147
Bombay 365
Brass 441
Carcassonne 223
Carcassonne: Big Box 2 556
Chicago Express 436
Chicken Cha Cha Cha 329
Citadels 184
Condottiere 拥兵队长 185
El Grande Decennial 478
Euphrates & Tigris Card Game 两河 卡牌 186
Fairy Tale 113
Funny Friends 260
Genoa 442
Ghost Stories 369
Gracias 谢谢 150
Halli Galli 139
Hare & Tortoise 216
Iliad 163
Jamaica 牙買加 432
Jambo 186
Jungle Speed 2nd Edition 165
Le Havre 勒阿弗爾 535
Lost Cities 185
Lost Cities Board Game 296
Munchkin Quest 小白歷險記 板圖遊戲 369
Niagara 367
No Thanks! 78
Okko 255
Once Upon A Time 2nd ed. 很久很久以前... 156
Roma 羅馬 218
Saboteur 113
Samurai 294
San Juan 222
Shadows over Camelot 495
The Pillars of the Earth 392
Tichu 113
Tikal 332
Viva Topo 357
Yspahan 367
Zooloretto 328
瘟疫危机 pandemic (简体) 215
现代艺术 Modern Art (简体)  145
银河竞逐 Race for the Galaxy (简体)  254




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